Take a moment to ask one of the kids around you why they don't like going to school and the first thing that will come out from them is "school is a prison." Why do they have to call it prison ? Well, you know very well that it's from school that they get to learn basics of life and maybe for their good performance, one will be able to secure a good paying job. School time might turn out to be a jail time for most of the students. Hold a school on your right hand and on the other hand uproot a prison. See what might have made these kids to call school a prison. Anyway nobody enjoys being in prison except for the few- special case. Reason being, in prison, you are denied your freedom. Freedom denial in schools make these kids directly compare school to a prison. Everything that these kids do in school is directed, supervised, controlled and coordinated by the seniors. Kids don't have a choice but to do what their seniors want them to do. These kids at times h
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