Ladies, are you aware that the man you are dating might be cheating? Some men will cheat on you no matter how loyal or gorgeous you are. Don't be surprised to find out that he's cheating on you with a lady who might not even be your standards. Some men(not all) will look for a reason for you to break up as long as he has gotten what he wanted. Okay so far if you are dating one of my friends he is cheating on you.
Let focus on what brought us here.
They are two types of men. Most men and few men. Most men are cowards the kind of men that fear relationships ,that is, they want to hit and run because they can't handle responsibilities that come up when they are in a relationship. That is taking you for a date, others don't even want to be seen around with you. Like they feel embarrassed for having you.
Most men always lie just to win your heart. The kind that my colleague said that they say,"we meant to be."And others are mature liars, I mean they will make a big lie look like a reality to an extend that you will believe it's true. Again MOST men have more than one girlfriend. That is a main-chick(as they call it), who he gives love worth 55% then the other 45% is for his side chicks to share. And here on both sides they will act even. Most men prefer to have hoes than virgins I don't know why, or is it their 'Nature.'
Most men love you when they see you. They are always impatient and will just force things to have their needs satisfied. That's why most men prefer the one night and the tumalizane leo leo(let's do it and end it today) stuff. And if they have to stay with you in a relationship they have a purpose that is, may be its sex or may be you offer them a little financial support. Here you'll hear them saying there is no one like you. Of course there isn't. And that doesn't mean they won't cheat on you.
Just know no matter what Most men will cheat on you. Be aware, don't be waved.
Here is the other type of men. Few men are patient. Patience is a virtue to them. They lack lust. You'll hangout with them severally before dating you. They have time for you know each other well before they make their move.The kind that will love you and not easily spell the three words. They will always protect you and fight for you no matter what. And will always surprise you. But I can't lie to you this type of men is rarely found, they are almost going to be extinct because they dissolve in the other type of men. Their sweet virtues are being influenced by the immoral majority.
He might be born a good person, brought up by less father-son time or there is no one to teach him on how to be a good man at his early years. He will just copy from his big brothers or friends who might be "play-boys" and he might even be worst.
Good thing is that, every man will reach a point when he will decide to man up and accept responsibility. Some get to regret these worthless characters that they played during their youths.
Let focus on what brought us here.
They are two types of men. Most men and few men. Most men are cowards the kind of men that fear relationships ,that is, they want to hit and run because they can't handle responsibilities that come up when they are in a relationship. That is taking you for a date, others don't even want to be seen around with you. Like they feel embarrassed for having you.
Most men always lie just to win your heart. The kind that my colleague said that they say,"we meant to be."And others are mature liars, I mean they will make a big lie look like a reality to an extend that you will believe it's true. Again MOST men have more than one girlfriend. That is a main-chick(as they call it), who he gives love worth 55% then the other 45% is for his side chicks to share. And here on both sides they will act even. Most men prefer to have hoes than virgins I don't know why, or is it their 'Nature.'
Most men love you when they see you. They are always impatient and will just force things to have their needs satisfied. That's why most men prefer the one night and the tumalizane leo leo(let's do it and end it today) stuff. And if they have to stay with you in a relationship they have a purpose that is, may be its sex or may be you offer them a little financial support. Here you'll hear them saying there is no one like you. Of course there isn't. And that doesn't mean they won't cheat on you.
Just know no matter what Most men will cheat on you. Be aware, don't be waved.
Here is the other type of men. Few men are patient. Patience is a virtue to them. They lack lust. You'll hangout with them severally before dating you. They have time for you know each other well before they make their move.The kind that will love you and not easily spell the three words. They will always protect you and fight for you no matter what. And will always surprise you. But I can't lie to you this type of men is rarely found, they are almost going to be extinct because they dissolve in the other type of men. Their sweet virtues are being influenced by the immoral majority.
He might be born a good person, brought up by less father-son time or there is no one to teach him on how to be a good man at his early years. He will just copy from his big brothers or friends who might be "play-boys" and he might even be worst.
Good thing is that, every man will reach a point when he will decide to man up and accept responsibility. Some get to regret these worthless characters that they played during their youths.