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Showing posts with the label African Traditional Religions Poem

If I were King

   I often wish I were a King, And then I could do anything. If only I were King of Nairobi, I'd make you let her be. If only I were King of Uganda, I'd scare the ones under, If only I were King of Spain, I'd take my hat off in the rain. If only I were King of France, I wouldn't brush my hair for aunts. If I were King of Greece, I'd push things off the mantelpiece. If I were King of Norway, I'd ask an elephant to stay. If I were King of Babylon, I'd leave my button gloves undone. If I were King of Timbuctoo, I'd think of lovely things to do. If I were King of anything, I'd tell the soldiers, "I'm the King!"

Time to Make an Impact

It is time to say it is enough time to bridge the gap time to disengage the harm time to stop the flow from the gum They have had enough solid words suffered enough hurt tolerated enough punches reached their emotional crises The flora and fauna have shown them too much hate The maltreatment done is too great Now is the time for a change the time to do what to them appears strange We can break the chain create the change change the scope We can bring back hope   Let us wipe those tears begin to calm those fears put smiles on these wrinkled faces Let us stop the punches they have underwent for ages Let us go past borders be virtuous to others feed those who are hungry Let us free all and sundry   The time is now, Make an impact on someone’s life.  

My master

Today, I sat down  In the open,  On my porch  Quietly appreciating  A master at work  Above me,  A long ways off,  Lay her tools,  In any case,  She crafted it with deep blue  I saw her,  The Master,  With utmost care and diligence,  Plunge her brush in gold,  What's more, seconds after that,  I saw it shining brilliantly,  Bundle of light,  Winking at me,  Through the blues  I could feel,  The sun  The glow of its kiss,  On my brow,  I shut my eyes,  Also, rested  Around early afternoon, the delicate breeze  Furthermore, light downpour  Broke my rest,  I woke up,  To see the Master  Still busy working…  Every one of the exhibitions  On the planet,  Every one of the specialists set up,  Can't coordinate  Up to her brush's stroke  I could see  The cotton-like mists,  The outline of birds flying,  Furthermore, gradually his blue material,  Had become a striking shade of dark  Furthermore, his creation woke up  In the evening,  With the weighty downpour,  Beating the soft soil

Grateful to God: Sunday morning Poems

Arise Sunday morning as daylight is showing up,  And beams on the hills through the delimiting trees,  The skies are aglow with a range of colors,  As murmurs of cloud ride the cool delicate breeze.  Sing for me you songbird for your tunes resemble silver,  What's more, welcome the new day with pleasantness and love,  Open my window and take in the excellence,  What's more, convey me forward to the sky above.  Look after the nation as shadows are blurring,  The slopes somewhere out there and fields waving gold,  Consistent with my heart continually yielding such delight,  Also, capture the second with sights to see.  As butterflies sail through the nurseries of blossoms,  An image of the beautiful sun with limitless elegance,  Streaming before me in streams so reviving,  So kind to my fingers and cool to my face.  Grateful Sunday morning the church bells are ringing,  And calling to adore they peal through the land,  I follow their direction and celebrate in their sounding,  Fo

Sunday-Morning: African Traditional Religion poems

Go thou and look for the House of Prayer!  To the mighty place, and there  In stunning nature see the GOD OF LOVE.  The growing organ's ring  Wakes not my spirit to enthusiasm,  Like the wild music of the breeze cleared forest.  The lovely special stepped area and the spiritualist vest  Energize not such zest in my bosom,  As where the early afternoon tide pillar Flash'd from the wrecked stream, Fast vibrates on the stunned sight;  Or then again where the cloud-suspended downpous Compasses in shadows over the plain;  Or then again when leaning back on the clift's immense tallness  I mark the surges burst in silver light.  Go thou and look for the House of Prayer!  I to the Woodlands will fix,  Feed with all Natures charms my eyes,  What's more, hear all Natures tunes.  The primrose bank will there administer  Faint aroma to the awaken'd sense,  The morning radiates that life and euphoria confer  Shall, with their impact make me feel great inside.  Furthermore, the f