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Common reasons why couples divorce
After doing a little research here and there, divorced couples and the reunited ones, I've come to notice a lot more reasons as to why marriages fail. This article that I'm about to share with you is based on opinion and experience gained from various field studies and research. There is no science behind it.

Have you ever wondered why marriages fail, why couples divorce? The answer is YES. Then why does it happen that individuals who proposed to each other the previous day or accepted the proposal are no more today? 
 I had to hit the road to meet various divorced couples to find out a few reasons as to why he or she thinks they just had to sign the papers.

This seemed to be the top reason for divorce. Lack of proper communication among these two people. If at all something goes wrong, it's a matter of sitting down around the table and talking it out in a more formal way while coming up with solutions. The moment issues start accumulating and no action is taken, no communication, with time, there will be too many of it that the only way remaining to solve all of it is to divorce.
It's evident that most couples don't mind how they talk to their spouses . Your communication skills is also a matter of great importance. Mind talking to your partner in a way that shapes love, respect and happiness. More-so women are victims of failing their marriages with poor communication skills.

High expectations
As Professor Obura once said, your expectations are the root node to everything that happens around you. Most people enter into this 'partnership' agreement with alot of expectations from each other. As well during my field study, one woman confessed to have been the course of their divorce. She said she accepted her husband's proposal since she knew that her husband had just graduated with a bachelors degree in Business Administration and soon he's going to get a good job and thus good income for the family. Now it happened that the husband had started his own small business that paid for his college fees and upkeep. The husband didn't think of getting employed, rather to expand his own business. The business was rising slowly like a caterpillar race up an anthill. She then got to realize that it might take quite some time to have the business at its peak. That's when she started the blame game, criticism and all the complains until they ended up divorcing.
It's important to note that marriage come with ups and downs, don't be driven in with personal material desires.
It's always easy for you to realize that your spouse is in for something from you, ask me how. Yes of course it might be your love, or your big house, or your car, or business or you.

Let's agree on something, inflation in the family won't cause you to divorce. The way you view the inflation and the way each one of you sails through it will make the choice on your behalf. As I have said earlier on, there are ups and downs in any marriage. I know you know that every single person is happier when the family is financially stable. The moment you start waving, you know very well how it is, communication again becomes a major problem.
Remember, every single situation on earth is temporary, nothing lasts forever. Today you are low, tomorrow you are low again but the next day you are up, higher than you've ever been.

Laziness to be specific. After you've exchanged vows, the woman is in for a life partnership, to serve the family and the husband in particular while the husband is to provide for the family. As time goes by, the wife might develop some sense of laziness or lack of motivation to do her work. The husband as well might have stopped providing for the family. Yes, quarrels, complaints and everything negative. "you know what, I don't deserve you."

Misunderstanding; I was misunderstood
That's why we had to divorce. A man confessed to have asked for divorce because of lack of proper understanding between them. He is an introvert and the wife is more of an extrovert. The wife most of the time seemed to feel like the husband is diverting attention from her or say, cheating on her.
It's important to understand the nature of each other. It's nature.

Be honest to your spouse. In modern society, cheating is viewed as the big deal behind every marriage's failure. To make every marriage successful, think of being honest, faithful as well as obedient.

Or we can call it lack of hope or tolerance where one gives up in hard situations.
for example when the husband lost his job and he's almost bankrupt the wive get tired of the situation and divorce is the only means out of it.


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