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Showing posts with the label Love

Fundamentals of an Intimate Relationship

Intimate relationships are not quite the same as friendships and most different kinds of relationships since they include both physical and emotional connections. Intimate relationships are vital for the human experience. This relationship permits individuals to develop further profound connections, make major areas of strength for an of help, have association, and it settle the human need to have a place and love. The intimate relationship can be good when it is solid, satisfying, and recuperating. Now, the question is how might you figure out how to be in that kind of relationship? The ICHG Formula This recipe can help you in the event that you are making, keeping up with or working on an intimate relationship. Begin with Intention, Commitment, Habits, and Goals (ICHG). Assuming you might want to be a good accomplice, spouse, or husband (your Intentions), what plan (Commitment) have you set up to ensure that this starts to happen immediately? What propensities will you set up to acco

Rise again and again 'til Lambs Become Lions

I will rise Like the stunning sun, Which not once dies. Though sets every dusk, Every dawn it does rise. Like the sea and the ocean Whose wave tides Stay down many times, But continually they must rise. Like the foliage, the trees, From seeds in soil they arise, And kiss great heights, They grow, they rise. After falling once, Twice and thrice, Yet again and again I will rise and rise.

My Short_Little Memoir

  To you I write, advise, That to love is to share life together, to build special plans just for two, to work together side by side, and smile with total pride, when your dreams all come true. That to love is to support and inspire with smiles and genuine words of praise, to create or take time to share, to deeply listen and care in loving, affectionate ways. That to love is to have someone special, one on whom you can at all times rely to be there through the valleys and hills, sharing in happiness and tears, as a companion, a lover, a friend. That to love is to create distinct memories of seconds you love to recall, of all the great things that sharing life brings. Love is the greatest of all.   You I educate, Thay you may learn the full meaning of love of commitment, sharing and caring and having your dreams and desires all come true; That you may learn the full meaning of being in love of being loved!!!

Cold Weather - Tezo digital poems

The night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a bully spell has bound me And I cannot, cannot go.   The giant trees are bending Their bare branches weighed with snow. And the storm is fast descending, And yet I cannot go.   Clouds beyond clouds above me, Wastes beyond wastes below; But nothing dark can move me; I will not, cannot go. Like Our Facebook Page  

How I feel about you

  When the moon comes out all the sadness goes away. When the sun is out all bad things come to life. When the stars are bright, I look up at the sky and think of all we have been through together. When we are together it feels like we are meant to be together forever And ever.

Never Will I Give Up

  I will never give up Even when all I have worked for crumbles I will never give up Even when fate decides I will never give up Even when my spirituality is threatened I will never give up Even when I am nothing but a mere memory I will never give up Even when hope has vanished and gone I will never give up Even when am buried beneath the ground I will never give up Even when bereavement knocks on my doors I will never give up Even when you my friends and family want me to I will never give up Even when all I have to live for is gone I will never give up Even when life shows me its ugliest side I will never give up Even when you pay me billions to I will never give up Even when my heart is crushed like minced meat   For I know that as long as I am alive Everything is still worth the breathe Everything is still worth the fight I will fall but I will rise even stronger.

Time to Make an Impact

It is time to say it is enough time to bridge the gap time to disengage the harm time to stop the flow from the gum They have had enough solid words suffered enough hurt tolerated enough punches reached their emotional crises The flora and fauna have shown them too much hate The maltreatment done is too great Now is the time for a change the time to do what to them appears strange We can break the chain create the change change the scope We can bring back hope   Let us wipe those tears begin to calm those fears put smiles on these wrinkled faces Let us stop the punches they have underwent for ages Let us go past borders be virtuous to others feed those who are hungry Let us free all and sundry   The time is now, Make an impact on someone’s life.  

Dating Myself

That time you vowed that you'd be there for me I dearly took it to the heart so when you left me all on my own my soul too fell apart the red rose that you gave me under the sparkling moon has weakened and died just like our relationship, both were too soon   still, I felt tied to you connected more than ever I wanted to embrace you again felt that our love would last forever but then I realized your love was just a disguise you only used me for your own needs your 'love' was only ever greed I wanted myself to become stronger so that my next relationship would be longer and then happiness grew from within I realized that holding hands with myself was harder than it ever could have been to hold hands with her  

Love Can Move Mountains

Love can move mountains And suppress the stormy sea Love that lives deep in the heart of me!   Love can light up the sky When to yourself you ask why When life leaves you feeling lost and dark With love there is always a bright spark   Love can make you smile on a miserable day Love can take all your scars away Love can for you dry up the Nile And allow you walk that extra mile   Love can restore a broken heart Love can heal where it hurt When all feels lost and out of control Love can touch your soul     Love can move mountains And suppress the stormy sea Love always lives deep in the heart of me!

How to Cope with Stress

  Healthy Ways of Coping with Stress You first need to recognize that feeling emotional and nervous or having trouble sleeping and eating can all be normal reactions to stress. Below are some healthy ways you can deal with stress: ·          Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories , including those on social media. It’s good to be informed but hearing about the traumatic event constantly can be upsetting. Consider limiting news to just a couple of times a day and disconnecting from phone, tv, and computer screens for a while. ·          Take care of yourself.  Eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and give yourself a break if you feel stressed out. ·          Take care of your body . ·          Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate external icon . ·          Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. ·          Exercise regularly. ·          Get plenty of sleep. ·          Avoid excessive alcohol, tobacco, and substance use. ·       

My master

Today, I sat down  In the open,  On my porch  Quietly appreciating  A master at work  Above me,  A long ways off,  Lay her tools,  In any case,  She crafted it with deep blue  I saw her,  The Master,  With utmost care and diligence,  Plunge her brush in gold,  What's more, seconds after that,  I saw it shining brilliantly,  Bundle of light,  Winking at me,  Through the blues  I could feel,  The sun  The glow of its kiss,  On my brow,  I shut my eyes,  Also, rested  Around early afternoon, the delicate breeze  Furthermore, light downpour  Broke my rest,  I woke up,  To see the Master  Still busy working…  Every one of the exhibitions  On the planet,  Every one of the specialists set up,  Can't coordinate  Up to her brush's stroke  I could see  The cotton-like mists,  The outline of birds flying,  Furthermore, gradually his blue material,  Had become a striking shade of dark  Furthermore, his creation woke up  In the evening,  With the weighty downpour,  Beating the soft soil

9 home-based treatment for Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection  A vaginal yeast disease (vaginal candidiasis) is brought about by an abundance of a parasite that normally lives in your vagina, called Candida albicans.   This abundance triggers aggravation, irritation, tingling, and excruciating release. Most ladies experience a yeast infection at some point during their lifetime, don't worry, this article is going to cover the most. In case this is your first time encountering the side effects of a yeast disease, you should visit a gynecologist to confirm that you really have a yeast contamination and not something different.  In any case, in the event that you have repeating yeast infections, converse with your primary care physician about other safe approaches to attempt to treat a yeast disease or maybe forestall reoccurrence.  A portion of these cures use fixings that you may as of now have in your home. Their adequacy changes, and proof for their prosperity is for the most part recounted.  The Mayo Clinic specifies that so

Lazy Sunday Poems

A view from my window sheets, On a lazy Sunday morning once more.  Few downpour drops on the window ledge  Post downpour, the climate so chill.  The group on the roads are lesser than usual The bus station has just a couple of travelers,  The usual hustle clamor of the matatus is unwitnessed,  Why not! Isn't Sunday intended to simply sit back, relax and have a great time.  However, there are additionally bustling individuals on the streets  Decked up and hastily catching with the bus,  Then, at that point there were additionally the less lucky newspaper delivery guys, For whom Sunday resembles a regular work day.  Observing all these while sipping my hot cup of tea  Life appears to be relentless and we like hard worker,  At the point when I glance back at my room on this lazy Sunday  Just to discover my sweet lovely woman, how soundly asleep she lays!

Grateful to God: Sunday morning Poems

Arise Sunday morning as daylight is showing up,  And beams on the hills through the delimiting trees,  The skies are aglow with a range of colors,  As murmurs of cloud ride the cool delicate breeze.  Sing for me you songbird for your tunes resemble silver,  What's more, welcome the new day with pleasantness and love,  Open my window and take in the excellence,  What's more, convey me forward to the sky above.  Look after the nation as shadows are blurring,  The slopes somewhere out there and fields waving gold,  Consistent with my heart continually yielding such delight,  Also, capture the second with sights to see.  As butterflies sail through the nurseries of blossoms,  An image of the beautiful sun with limitless elegance,  Streaming before me in streams so reviving,  So kind to my fingers and cool to my face.  Grateful Sunday morning the church bells are ringing,  And calling to adore they peal through the land,  I follow their direction and celebrate in their sounding,  Fo