Take a moment to ask one of the kids around you why they don't like going to school and the first thing that will come out from them is "school is a prison." Why do they have to call it prison
Well, you know very well that it's from school that they get to learn basics of life and maybe for their good performance, one will be able to secure a good paying job.
School time might turn out to be a jail time for most of the students. Hold a school on your right hand and on the other hand uproot a prison. See what might have made these kids to call school a prison. Anyway nobody enjoys being in prison except for the few- special case. Reason being, in prison, you are denied your freedom.
Freedom denial in schools make these kids directly compare school to a prison. Everything that these kids do in school is directed, supervised, controlled and coordinated by the seniors. Kids don't have a choice but to do what their seniors want them to do. These kids at times have some personal desires or decisions to make, but they end up frozen under the unconditional fingers of the law.
It's been a routine over the past few years that kids should spend the better part of their under 18 years in school. Each and everyone of us who went to school understands it when I say that school ultimately took about 90% of our childhood experience.
Put yourself in that kids shoes. During holidays, their workload doesn't decrease, thanks to various assignments and homework given by various teachers with marked deadlines. Even the few hours after school, teachers always engage them with few homework to be reviewed the next day.
Kids go through hard time balancing their social life and personal decisions with those that they are "forced" to work on. The academic pressure itself might make them develop certain habits of dodging classes or even worse, dropping out.
I should not put too much light on the kids. Remember, there is this other group that is moved by laziness. There sluggish deeds might be generic or were influenced by their peers and the society. If you ask such kids why he or she doesn't like school, they'll tell you "school is boring." Well, teachers and parents may take it harsh on the kids.
Perhaps every country I know of have a mini-section in their respective constitutions detailed with children rights. Right to education, to be specific, is among the top rights of a kid. The law is clear and conspicuously requires every parent to educate their children. The challenge is when the same child don't want to be educated.
As parents, it's important we identify some of the key ways of making our kids realize the value of education and removing the whole mindset of 'School is a prison'. Kids are born with different talents and skills. It's important we identify these skills at their early ages so that we don't waste much time teaching Chemistry to a future footballer. The parent should help the kid discover their talents and with great efforts to start specializing on them at a early age. This is not to say that they should forego school, no. School builds a strong foundation for every profession in any field. What I'm trying to imply is that, with these kids getting support from you as a parent, they'll get a motive and a near good reason to go to school.
For some of them I might be real hard to mingle with the rest in class. The harassment and bullying in school itself may make them hate school on the first day. Once your kid reports to you such cases, its important you consider helping them out. You can transfer them to a better school or try online learning or even pay a teacher to be attending to them at home.
Teachers are at times too hostile for kids. Kids fear teachers alot and a friendly teacher is more than a motivation for them to go to school. It's important you consider these students remarks on their teachers. The school's management should embrace student-teacher evaluation based on the teachers performance and relation with the students.
Modern day teachers and parents should be aware of the preferences of the kids and at least give them some freedom and time

to play and associate with their peers.