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If I were King

   I often wish I were a King, And then I could do anything. If only I were King of Nairobi, I'd make you let her be. If only I were King of Uganda, I'd scare the ones under, If only I were King of Spain, I'd take my hat off in the rain. If only I were King of France, I wouldn't brush my hair for aunts. If I were King of Greece, I'd push things off the mantelpiece. If I were King of Norway, I'd ask an elephant to stay. If I were King of Babylon, I'd leave my button gloves undone. If I were King of Timbuctoo, I'd think of lovely things to do. If I were King of anything, I'd tell the soldiers, "I'm the King!"

My Short_Little Memoir

  To you I write, advise, That to love is to share life together, to build special plans just for two, to work together side by side, and smile with total pride, when your dreams all come true. That to love is to support and inspire with smiles and genuine words of praise, to create or take time to share, to deeply listen and care in loving, affectionate ways. That to love is to have someone special, one on whom you can at all times rely to be there through the valleys and hills, sharing in happiness and tears, as a companion, a lover, a friend. That to love is to create distinct memories of seconds you love to recall, of all the great things that sharing life brings. Love is the greatest of all.   You I educate, Thay you may learn the full meaning of love of commitment, sharing and caring and having your dreams and desires all come true; That you may learn the full meaning of being in love of being loved!!!

Cold Weather - Tezo digital poems

The night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a bully spell has bound me And I cannot, cannot go.   The giant trees are bending Their bare branches weighed with snow. And the storm is fast descending, And yet I cannot go.   Clouds beyond clouds above me, Wastes beyond wastes below; But nothing dark can move me; I will not, cannot go. Like Our Facebook Page  

Never Will I Give Up

  I will never give up Even when all I have worked for crumbles I will never give up Even when fate decides I will never give up Even when my spirituality is threatened I will never give up Even when I am nothing but a mere memory I will never give up Even when hope has vanished and gone I will never give up Even when am buried beneath the ground I will never give up Even when bereavement knocks on my doors I will never give up Even when you my friends and family want me to I will never give up Even when all I have to live for is gone I will never give up Even when life shows me its ugliest side I will never give up Even when you pay me billions to I will never give up Even when my heart is crushed like minced meat   For I know that as long as I am alive Everything is still worth the breathe Everything is still worth the fight I will fall but I will rise even stronger.

My master

Today, I sat down  In the open,  On my porch  Quietly appreciating  A master at work  Above me,  A long ways off,  Lay her tools,  In any case,  She crafted it with deep blue  I saw her,  The Master,  With utmost care and diligence,  Plunge her brush in gold,  What's more, seconds after that,  I saw it shining brilliantly,  Bundle of light,  Winking at me,  Through the blues  I could feel,  The sun  The glow of its kiss,  On my brow,  I shut my eyes,  Also, rested  Around early afternoon, the delicate breeze  Furthermore, light downpour  Broke my rest,  I woke up,  To see the Master  Still busy working…  Every one of the exhibitions  On the planet,  Every one of the specialists set up,  Can't coordinate  Up to her brush's stroke  I could see  The cotton-like mists,  The outline of birds flying,  Furthermore, gradually his blue material,  Had become a striking shade of dark  Furthermore, his creation woke up  In the evening,  With the weighty downpour,  Beating the soft soil

9 home-based treatment for Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection  A vaginal yeast disease (vaginal candidiasis) is brought about by an abundance of a parasite that normally lives in your vagina, called Candida albicans.   This abundance triggers aggravation, irritation, tingling, and excruciating release. Most ladies experience a yeast infection at some point during their lifetime, don't worry, this article is going to cover the most. In case this is your first time encountering the side effects of a yeast disease, you should visit a gynecologist to confirm that you really have a yeast contamination and not something different.  In any case, in the event that you have repeating yeast infections, converse with your primary care physician about other safe approaches to attempt to treat a yeast disease or maybe forestall reoccurrence.  A portion of these cures use fixings that you may as of now have in your home. Their adequacy changes, and proof for their prosperity is for the most part recounted.  The Mayo Clinic specifies that so

Monday Poems

There are numerous roads we face mixed together, called life,  some take us to valleys unmatched,  Some are loaded up with valuable stones, rocks, that leave a splendid flicker like the sun,  Others lead us back around to our number one spots we've passed,  One of my #1 roads takes me past your beautiful smile and a warm welcome,  Close to the rivers that nourishes the plants that grow well,  to become trees.  Trees that take off high to over look the statures of growing,  A sublime accomplishment, as all trees aren't fortunate to grow as tall,  be that as it may, upon this road accompanied with warmness,  The sun consistently shines followed by your warm hi.  I trust and hope this Monday,  Sparkles more brilliant than some other  Monday, In your eyes,  As you can consistently makes the most of this day,  Take advantage of it. Good day!

You are my all - Cute Love Poems

 You are the sun that sparkles splendidly consistently.  You are the gravity that holds me down inside and out.  You are the moon that gleams consistently.  You are stars that glint very brilliant.  You are the oxygen that keeps me alive.  You are my heart that thumps inside.  You are the blood that courses through me.  You are the solitary person I can see.  You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings.  You are my beginning and end.  You are my all in all.  You prevent me from being so forlorn.  We plan our future as though we understand.  I never need to lose you.  I need you to be my significant other, and I need to be your better half.  I need to be with you for the remainder of my life.

She Keeps Smiling.

  She's beautiful she keeps Smiling. Beautiful eyes and lips. Amazing with a kind heart, So caring she for keeps. Keeps my heart warm I'm attracted to her charm She's crazy and funny in a good way. Brightens my dull days. I'm happier when she's around I glow, my heart is pumping joy. My lungs breath love My wish is to keep her happy and safe. Everyday is better than the other. Good memories piling on one another. From watching the sun set to sleeping under the stars. I truly love her. And I'm not scared that she may leave. I trust her wholly I've no doubt I believe It's how she make me feel generally.  I don't force anything, it just happens.  It's like drawning or flying  I've no control over it And It's really great, hope it lasts long :-) XO


To many you are just a pillow A place for one to rest their head o r support their back Nothing more But not to me You mean more than that Of course you cushion my head; a nd much more You support my back; a nd much more The bitterest of tears; t hose that left scars The tears that flowed from somewhere b eyond the eyes You are the only one that saw them Not only that, y ou also wiped them from my eyes; And never complained even when I soaked you wet Never turned me down every time I came With so much weight on my back And so much hurt in my heart You held me gently, a nd let me cry myself to sleep And when I woke up you were still there There are times I punched you Well, I am sorry I had to I am also grateful you let me When I was furious and mad You let me let it out on you Allowed me to lay it all on you There are times I even threw you against the wall Kicked you under the bed Oh, I think I have stabbed you also Once, or twice, o


 Life is a game.  The rules are there are no rules. For you to win you need to know the rules else you won't. It's Like water it takes any shape. You can turn your life around by changing the perspective of the game. And The First thing is believing. Do you believe in yourself? We're on a level field buh a little faith in yourself takes you to the top of the game. It's not about the money or anything its about your confidence your faith in you. Someone else can believe in you, they can see a bright future ahead of you buh do you see? If you don't you can't win the game. The Game Is unfair like I've said the rules is no rules. The fun part is it's unfair to everyone which makes it fair. It's a game you play all your life there's no time to rest you'll rest when you die. Buh If you want to rest now you loose, you miss a step you loose, there's no replay or redo. So don't regret on the things you did or the things you wished you should&#