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Showing posts with the label Good day poems

If I were King

   I often wish I were a King, And then I could do anything. If only I were King of Nairobi, I'd make you let her be. If only I were King of Uganda, I'd scare the ones under, If only I were King of Spain, I'd take my hat off in the rain. If only I were King of France, I wouldn't brush my hair for aunts. If I were King of Greece, I'd push things off the mantelpiece. If I were King of Norway, I'd ask an elephant to stay. If I were King of Babylon, I'd leave my button gloves undone. If I were King of Timbuctoo, I'd think of lovely things to do. If I were King of anything, I'd tell the soldiers, "I'm the King!"

Rise again and again 'til Lambs Become Lions

I will rise Like the stunning sun, Which not once dies. Though sets every dusk, Every dawn it does rise. Like the sea and the ocean Whose wave tides Stay down many times, But continually they must rise. Like the foliage, the trees, From seeds in soil they arise, And kiss great heights, They grow, they rise. After falling once, Twice and thrice, Yet again and again I will rise and rise.

Cold Weather - Tezo digital poems

The night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a bully spell has bound me And I cannot, cannot go.   The giant trees are bending Their bare branches weighed with snow. And the storm is fast descending, And yet I cannot go.   Clouds beyond clouds above me, Wastes beyond wastes below; But nothing dark can move me; I will not, cannot go. Like Our Facebook Page  

How I feel about you

  When the moon comes out all the sadness goes away. When the sun is out all bad things come to life. When the stars are bright, I look up at the sky and think of all we have been through together. When we are together it feels like we are meant to be together forever And ever.

Monday Poems

There are numerous roads we face mixed together, called life,  some take us to valleys unmatched,  Some are loaded up with valuable stones, rocks, that leave a splendid flicker like the sun,  Others lead us back around to our number one spots we've passed,  One of my #1 roads takes me past your beautiful smile and a warm welcome,  Close to the rivers that nourishes the plants that grow well,  to become trees.  Trees that take off high to over look the statures of growing,  A sublime accomplishment, as all trees aren't fortunate to grow as tall,  be that as it may, upon this road accompanied with warmness,  The sun consistently shines followed by your warm hi.  I trust and hope this Monday,  Sparkles more brilliant than some other  Monday, In your eyes,  As you can consistently makes the most of this day,  Take advantage of it. Good day!

Why did you laugh?

Why did you laugh? When you know your smile robs me of my senses, Takes my identity and also flashes my bright eyes, Unable to think about anything else but submit to you, Rob me of my masculinity and make me feel like a little boy. Passionately, intimately, you look me straight in the eyes, For your eyes are the windows to your heart, I can gaze straight through your beautiful soul, For I trust your eyes will never lie, no matter how hard you'd try. You should know, three things that makes my life complete  Are love, laughter, and you, my drug, my addiction, The laughter has lasted since the very first moment  Falling for you babynaa, has been so much fun. Regardless of whether it's giggles at the kitchen table  Or even full loud laughter any place we're capable  Every single smile, is an image of our affection  You're my dream come true, all I ever dreamt of. Our adoration, well that is somewhat more significant  Radiating through when our giggling is ridiculous  Begi

Lazy Sunday Poems

A view from my window sheets, On a lazy Sunday morning once more.  Few downpour drops on the window ledge  Post downpour, the climate so chill.  The group on the roads are lesser than usual The bus station has just a couple of travelers,  The usual hustle clamor of the matatus is unwitnessed,  Why not! Isn't Sunday intended to simply sit back, relax and have a great time.  However, there are additionally bustling individuals on the streets  Decked up and hastily catching with the bus,  Then, at that point there were additionally the less lucky newspaper delivery guys, For whom Sunday resembles a regular work day.  Observing all these while sipping my hot cup of tea  Life appears to be relentless and we like hard worker,  At the point when I glance back at my room on this lazy Sunday  Just to discover my sweet lovely woman, how soundly asleep she lays!

Grateful to God: Sunday morning Poems

Arise Sunday morning as daylight is showing up,  And beams on the hills through the delimiting trees,  The skies are aglow with a range of colors,  As murmurs of cloud ride the cool delicate breeze.  Sing for me you songbird for your tunes resemble silver,  What's more, welcome the new day with pleasantness and love,  Open my window and take in the excellence,  What's more, convey me forward to the sky above.  Look after the nation as shadows are blurring,  The slopes somewhere out there and fields waving gold,  Consistent with my heart continually yielding such delight,  Also, capture the second with sights to see.  As butterflies sail through the nurseries of blossoms,  An image of the beautiful sun with limitless elegance,  Streaming before me in streams so reviving,  So kind to my fingers and cool to my face.  Grateful Sunday morning the church bells are ringing,  And calling to adore they peal through the land,  I follow their direction and celebrate in their sounding,  Fo

Sunday-Morning: African Traditional Religion poems

Go thou and look for the House of Prayer!  To the mighty place, and there  In stunning nature see the GOD OF LOVE.  The growing organ's ring  Wakes not my spirit to enthusiasm,  Like the wild music of the breeze cleared forest.  The lovely special stepped area and the spiritualist vest  Energize not such zest in my bosom,  As where the early afternoon tide pillar Flash'd from the wrecked stream, Fast vibrates on the stunned sight;  Or then again where the cloud-suspended downpous Compasses in shadows over the plain;  Or then again when leaning back on the clift's immense tallness  I mark the surges burst in silver light.  Go thou and look for the House of Prayer!  I to the Woodlands will fix,  Feed with all Natures charms my eyes,  What's more, hear all Natures tunes.  The primrose bank will there administer  Faint aroma to the awaken'd sense,  The morning radiates that life and euphoria confer  Shall, with their impact make me feel great inside.  Furthermore, the f

Deep Good Morning Poems

Every day early lights loaded down with privileged insights.  The morning dews are precious stone balls,  each holding a mysterious trailer of  a section of the day.  The birds, chipping unendingly,  tattle among themselves about the  great things you'll find at  the weekend market.  In the cleft between the sun's  virginal light and last night's shadows,  an old companion hangs tight for a  booked possibility of experience,  bearing an endowment of past memories.   New blend trickles into the carafe of your  old coffee machine, tapping out  a Morse code of the new  considerations and sentiments that will permeate  into your mind in the hours to come.  And, the blinds surge with echoes  of the laughs to be giggled.  The day is waiting to admit  its great plans for you. GOOD MORNING.

Good Day Wishes

The sun is radiating brilliantly today,  Life has sent a nursery of opportunities your direction.  An opportunity to take your own choice and make things right,  An opportunity to partake in your day from this point until night.  An opportunity to live, an opportunity to grin,  An opportunity to make your life beneficial.  An opportunity to celebrate, an opportunity to learn,  An opportunity to sing, dance and twirl.  An opportunity to grin and impart it to the lesser lucky others,  An opportunity to light up their day with what you had the chance to offer.  An opportunity to show your adoration to extraordinary ones,  An opportunity to cause them to feel like they are wearing a crown.  An opportunity to cherish and opportunity to mend,  A possibility for delights to feel.  An opportunity to implore and express gratitude toward God,  An opportunity to show him that he is your Lord.  An opportunity to remember your good fortune and be grateful,  An opportunity to laud this day and be th