Many individuals go through their entire life and they never take action and step into the unknown, try new things. Main reason being, because they are afraid of failure. Yes, failure. The unknown is a place that your highest potentials are rooted, where your greatest growth lies. Well, it is also where your greatest fears lie, that have confined you to a mediocre existence. Most of us are currently held back by fear of what the unknown holds. And I say, do not be afraid to take action for the unknown. It will be the best step you'll have made your entire life. In the unknown is icey fruits of success, you must step forward into the darkness and you shall see that your path is illuminated with light towards the authentic life that you are capable of living. As you step forward you shall wonder and say to yourself ‘Why did I not take this action earlier.’ You won't regret, ‘coz at least you did it. Action is what awakens your mind to the life that you are capable of living, a...
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