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Scared Of The UnKnown

Many individuals go through their entire life and they never take action and step into the unknown, try new things. Main reason being, because they are afraid of failure. Yes, failure. The unknown is a place that your highest potentials are rooted, where your greatest growth lies. Well, it is also where your greatest fears lie, that have confined you to a mediocre existence. Most of us are currently held back by fear of what the unknown holds. And I say, do not be afraid to take action for  the unknown. It will be the best step you'll have made your entire life.

In the unknown is icey fruits of success, you must step forward into the darkness and you shall see that your path is illuminated with light towards the authentic life that you are capable of living. As you step forward you shall wonder and say to yourself ‘Why did I not take this action earlier.’ You won't regret, ‘coz at least you did it. Action is what awakens your mind to the life that you are capable of living, action is what breeds confidence within you, action is what rids your mind of the fears that may have become ingrained as a result of the conditioning of the world. If you do not pay attention to what goes into your mind from the media, the internet and the opinions of the crowd, you shall think and act in an average way forever and be resigned to a life of mediocrity.

You need to think and act like the successful 6.3% in order to live like them , if at all you desire to. This average mediocre way of thinking and living is an injustice to you as a human being, it shows a lack of awareness and appreciation for oneself to be a sheep who is living a lie. We are all capable of more than what we know, do not just live the same day over and over again, you are not a hard dry rock. It is so easy to get caught up living in auto-pilot mode, doing the same things day after day, stop and pause and look ahead and ask yourself, ‘If I continue living like this am I going to be a mediocre individual who is enslaved to someone else’s dream?’ Of course that's not who you want to be, don't cheat yourself.

Here are a few things we can to battle the unknown and crash the hard realities of life:

1. Take Action

 What do you think? We've got a lot in mind that we've never, not once, tried to act on.
Stop being a coward, get into action, too many people are waiting for something to take action and make adjustments to their life, the question is what are you waiting for? The time to act is now, today, right this second. Write down what you want in the form of goals, with a daily plan of action for each one, with deadlines that are nearby so that you take action and do not just decide to procrastinate until next year. So many people say, ‘Oh, I will take action next year on what I want.’ Why are you waiting to live until everything is perfect, get up and take action and make things how you want them to be. Be the change you want to see. You have the power to dictate how you want to live your life, so get rid of the excuses of the masses who think that their boss is their master, you are in charge of your life, so take full responsibility for your life and fashion your life the way you want it to be. The time is now, so get up and take action. I'm up..lets do it today if not now.

2. Read Books By Dreamers

Yes you heard me right. We all know, or have heard of, a few successful persons, who were once in our shoes. They once were dreamers just like you and me.
Read books by people who lived their dreams and by those who are currently living it. New information opens up the mind and makes it awaken to what you are truly capable of achieving. Learn from others who have set their own path, who strived for more, who made a difference, and accomplished more with their lives. Understanding the unknown will make it less daunting for you so that you take action on your dreams.

3. Surround Yourself With Dreamers Who Do

They are dreamers with achievable dreams, and they work to achieve. Surround yourself with people who are striving for more, who are chasing their dreams, who are walking the talk, who are not following the crowd but have decided to stand up and say ‘I can do this’, and ‘I can be the one to live my dreams.’ You are only worth it if you also stand for ‘I’ instead of ‘we.’ But most importantly surround yourself with people who hold you to a higher standard and who make you a better person in all aspects of your life. When you surround yourself with others who are living life on a new level you will be driven to take action, as who you spend time with is who you become. I bet you'll also strive best to be like those who are around you, so the more time you spend with successful people, the higher your chances of learning more and more.

4. Only Think Thoughts Of Success

You read it right, OTToS or something. Okay, we've got a lot in our conscious, some of which are really fighting us. Many people suffer from defeat not on the battlefield of life, but from the battle within their mind. People give up within themselves before they even try something new, they convince themselves that they don’t have what it takes to succeed. “I can’t, how can I?” Yes you can, why can't you? Let's avoid this kind of stereotype. If you engage in this sort of thinking you need to stop it. You need to develop your mindset to the level of a champion who only thinks thoughts of success. You can achieve anything that you set your mind to. Be positive about the outcome and take action.

5. Listen To Motivational Videos

It's no doubt, most of us are compacted to liking funny vines, comedic clips and some only what makes us happy. We don't have time for something that will have us on the go for betterment. Spend your time listening to motivational videos regularly, 30 minutes a day of motivational and inspirational videos will help you to believe in yourself to a higher standard. You can learn a lot from motivational videos, and they will help to transform your mind in a positive way. Motivational videos will help push you out of your comfort zone so that you take action. And since you are reading this, I believe you are going to make it a routine, let's rise together fam.

6. Daily Imagination Habit

Spend 5-10 minutes a day using your imagination to see yourself living the life of your dreams. By doing this you will start to imprint your subconscious mind to the life that you will be soon living. This daily habit shall help you believe in a greater future for yourself. Imagination is far more important than knowledge. Let your imagination run wild and take you to unknown places.


Take action, unleash your greatest potentials, transform your mind so that you may realize your hidden abilities. Let not your life be one of conformity, strive to be the best that you can be and unleash your greatness upon the world. Let others benchmark from you, as you help them rise too.



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