I don't remember what I said in the last part you can check it out here >>>
Life is amazing life is how you define it because you're in control, it's like playing your own game where you're the main character, the moment you lose control or give control to your own game that's the moment you lose. And everybody has their own game we not playing the same game. I'm using the game here because that's the only thing that has a good reference to what I'm talking about.
The part that life has no rules comes from when I see people trying to copy what others do, trying to do what successful people do. Because they believe in doing so that's the way to win that's how it's done. But I've seen people doing the opposite of what the other one is doing and they both come out successful, and mostly we don't plan for success we find ourselves in them, then the society asks you how you did it but you actually don't know. How did I do it? And you guess hard work and patience, never giving up and so, meanwhile, there's someone out there doing exactly the same thing grinding more than you do but still is not at the point where you're and never will.
In my podcast I said life has now lost its meaning, we're all clueless just follow what we believe is true, someone out there is pulling strings and he doesn't know it, someone is making us slave without any knowledge his the master and that's terrible because we all lost because of that, let's talk about school, the only reason I'm in school is that there's no otherwise there's no opinion, It's because other's go to school so I follow, all I can think about is I've no future if I don't do this, this notion was imparted to me by my father he believes that school is everything and so I should believe what he believes even when he's wrong, and so I'm going in blindly going with the flow. I'm not saying being educated is bad or good, I'm saying it should be my own opinion what if I do all this and end up being a rapper? Or a businessman. Secondly, everything is now available online is there still a need to go to school when you can learn on YouTube and actually be good compared to those who schooled. What's the point here? Why I'm I saying this? It's because it doesn't matter at all whether you go to school or not in whatever way if you're going to kill the game you'll kill the game and even you can't explain why.
Elon Musk is like my mentor or someone I look up to and I really love how he does things. He doesn't plan for anything just wakes up and starts a boring company and then it's a success. Does he not work hard? Is he patient? only he knows his ways but he's really smart. I've been asking myself one particular question. Why do I involve my friends in tasks that I can do alone? This is something that I can do by myself why should I involve others? I'm lazy? I'm I not as hungry as others because involving others means that whenever I money I'll have to share a certain percentage with them, So I'm I not as hungry as them? Don't I need this money as much as I do? Because I can do this alone and the money I make from it is all mine. Or is it the craving and the for power that makes me hire my friends so that I can be in control? Or is it the notion that together we succeed and divided we fall? All I can think about is the need for power and some attributes of laziness in me and the fact that I don't want to commit, so the heavy lifting is done all I do is give the sense of direction and we make money and more. Why is this relevant? Why is it here? It's because nothing makes sense at all and the more you try to find answers to what life is exactly about is more you get lost the more you lose yourself in it.
We always want we don't have but have you asked yourself what next after I get what I want. The moment we get what we want is the moment they depreciate value...I once wanted the NorthStar's so bad that I couldn't sleep and everything I did to get them led me to nowhere and whenever I saw someone with them I was a bit jealous why not me? this guy probably doesn't deserve them, why can't I have those. Gave me the power to keep going on, by this I mean saving after like 4 months I finally had enough to get a pair of the Northstar and I was truly happy for a moment and then they felt totally worthless. Then I remembered someone saying be careful what you wish for it can actually come true.
There's this girl I want so bad and it's like I'm going crazy, the can't eat, can't sleep without talking to her kinda crazy, she likes me too and the only barrier between us is what next after I get her, This is the type of girl I know I can build a fucking empire with but I know the moment I have her is the moment I lose her, I don't want to lose her I feel like it's easier for me to watch her love another man than me losing interest in her. I just want to want her forever, I know there's something people say you should go for what you want but I feel it's stupid because I know what I want and I know the moment I get her it over, It really sounds stupid. But it's life.
The beauty of life is the uncertainty, like death, we know we'll die but it always comes as a surprise