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Life Has No Rules

Who made the rules? who said this is wrong and why? who said this is right and why? What is a rule in the first place? Why do we have so many when sometimes it feels like there aren't enough? Why can't we all just break them when they get in the way of our happiness, success, and fulfillment? In my opinion, life has no rules. But that doesn't mean it's easy. It means there are no rules for everyone because everyone is different with their own set of circumstances and desires.

There are no rules of life. And that’s why I wanted to write this. Life is not a lesson or a puzzle that needs to be completed. It’s not about happiness, success, money, power, love, or anything else people think it is about. 

I see people, with a perspective or perception about how life should be. But all this was induced to them without their knowledge. It's like someone teaching you how to swim without teaching you how to swim, It happens, through pressure and you feel the urge that this is how it's supposed to be, this is the way, but do you really know the way? do you even know where you are? leave alone where you are going. Exactly you don't! But you feel like you do. And that's where you are wrong but I'm not in a position to say so.

We spend a lot of time on social media and screens, watching an act of a perfect life or a perfect relationship, we idolize that and crave for that when we no longer have the real connection with ourselves and the people around us. In the back of our minds, we want what we see in the media, nothing less. But in the real, it's something we can't have. 

Life is about one thing only - it’s about living! If you want to live the best possible version of your life, you need no rules. You need no plans and schemes for success or happiness. You don't even need any advice from me because you know everything already in order to live the best possible

There are very few things in life that don’t come with a list of rules. Rules make us feel safe, secure, and in control. However, rules can also become rigid and stagnant; they can limit our thinking and creativity instead of helping us achieve our goals.

You might have experienced this phenomenon yourself when trying to break free from the shackles of rules you were taught as a child. It takes courage to challenge these norms because we are afraid that breaking out of them will cause chaos or leave us unprotected. What if there was another way? What if you could create your own set of rules for yourself.

There are no rules in life, but there are principles. Knowing the difference between the two will teach you how to be more successful than 95% of people who call themselves entrepreneurs.

When I talk about 'rules,' I'm talking about things like "never give up" and "hard work pays off." These are phrases that people say without any understanding of what they mean or how to apply them. They're just something that sounds good, so you repeat it to yourself when times get tough.

There are no rules in life. The only rule is that there are no rules. If you want to be successful, it’s up to you to make your own rules. Go against the grain and create your own path by breaking all the rules of whatever game you’re playing.

You can do anything you want if you’re willing to work hard enough, even something as simple as starting a blog or building a social media following can be made into an overnight success if done right

I don’t know much about life, but I do know that if you want to make the most of every minute, every day, you need to take risks. If you let fear hold you back from doing what makes your heart sing, then it becomes a prison. Being cautious and playing it safe is the easiest way to live. But why would anyone want that? There are no real rules in life, only boundaries that people create for themselves—and then take pride in breaking them. If you’re looking for guidance on how to start taking risks and living outside your comfort zone: no rules, no limits. 

I do not know if there is a single person on this earth who wants nothing more than to achieve success and fulfillment in every aspect of his or her life. We all have desires and goals we would like to reach, but most of us never get around to reaching them because other things always take precedence. It's easier to live according to the rules of society than it is to break them. As soon as we begin to go against the grain of our surroundings and ignore the standards that are set up by the people around us, we put ourselves at risk of becoming an outsider, a loner, someone who does not fit in with the majority. Our behavior will either be wrong, misunderstood, or rejected altogether, and so we will find that we do not belong anywhere, to anyone, or with anyone. The rules were made for the average, normal person who has no special talents or abilities, or who has the misfortune to be born into an environment where everyone else plays by the same set of rules.

If you are anything like me, then you understand that the desire to achieve success and fulfill your life is often kept in check by other factors. You probably have many interests and goals, but some of these are not necessarily going to be relevant in the future. There will come a time when your current goals and desires become outdated. Other pursuits and activities may emerge to take their place. When you can see yourself getting closer to your goals.

I am not advocating that you should follow the rules of this world, nor am I saying that you should live outside of them. You are not here to gain attention or be on the cutting edge for your own selfish gain. You are on Earth to be happy, to make money, to have fun, and to reach your goals. But what if it turns out that the real point of life is not fame and fortune? What if the real goal is happiness rather than success?

We go through phases in our lives where we don't give a damn about what other people think of us, and we do what we want to do and say what we want to say, completely disregarding the opinions of others. This is where experience and knowledge can come into play; one becomes more confident and less afraid of judgment because he has experienced the ramifications of doing something that goes against society's ideals. I think that during these phases in our lives, the only people who understand us are those who've been through similar situations or have made tough decisions based on their independently formed values, which they knew deep down inside to be right.


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