I always knew that love would come find me someday but never did I know that it would be you who was headed my way you caught me off guard and took me by surprise but you simply captivated me, the same way you do when I look into your eyes It's true that every good and perfect gift is from above you were presented to me as a beautifully packaged gift full of humor, talent, intelligence, beauty and love "it isn't finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly" we all have our flaws but when I view you through my eyes, perfection is all I see From when you laugh to when you're upset, I still love the little things you do especially hearing you laugh and seeing your nose wrinkle the same way mine does too coming into this relationship has been hard at times but we've made it through I know as long as we're on this journey together, there's nothing that we can't do. Sometimes I wonder if what...
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