Times have been rough,
and things often gone wrong,
But the profound love that we share has been there all along.
You say why go on, when nothing is right,
But we not once give up; we continue to fight.
There's a light of love that gives us our sight.
Our hearts may get dim at times, but we know there is light.
We both go through situations not so fair,
But we get through them because of the special love we share.
The trials make you mindful of the way we feel,
An affection not fake but so very real.
At times it seems like a mere raw deal,
But we must get through these trails until we are healed.
Trials might not be at all easy, and you may feel there's no hope.
There are times when you feel you're at the end of your rope,
But you must go down deep in the bottom of your heart.
Let it stop your hopelessness and give a new start.
For such true and unconditional love is a gift some never get,
So when that trial comes, don't allow you to ever forget
That there is a rare thing we share that had to come from above,
And those trials will end; what got you through was pure love.