I sit out in the open
Under the blue sky
Spread from end to end
As far as the eye sees
I am a little dusty
Maybe more than I imagine
Out here it gets cold at times
The rain falls at will
The moon comes by at times
The stars prefer to just stare
Even when I don't see them
I have sat here for quite a while
A time I cannot quantify
I counted the seconds and minutes,
At first;
Then came the hours and days
Weeks followed
Until I lost count
Through the seasons and changes
Elsewhere they'd say spring and summer
Winter through autumn
I have watched the flowers blossom
The leaves have fallen
The nests have been abandoned
I have been here too long
Perhaps it is you I waited for
Maybe today is better than yesterday
My strings have gathered dust too
They are not rusty though
My keys long for a slight touch
A magical touch perhaps
One that will result in a melody
A tune that I lost long ago
I want to know how it feels
To be on fire again
I want to miss and be loved
I long to make someone dance to my tune
I desire to be the reason for happy smiles
Cheerful laugher and merry hearts
Blow off this dust gathered on me
Hit these keys of mine
Let the strings ring out
Make my heart alive again
Love me
Play me!
"To love is to live and to be loved is to be alive."