It seems like the only thing on my mind is you
No matter how much I try forgetting you, all I do is think of you.
In the day time I see you
In my dreams I see you
When I close my eyes I see you
Then there is reminisce of the times we had together
And the emotion that I felt when in your arms storms into my brain
Yes it storms into my brain oh wait! Watch out! It’s ah hurricane
You better bolt down your heart so the winds wouldn’t blow it away
You better Glad rap brain so the rain won’t wet it away
And don’t forget to tie your legs with mental cords and bag wire
Because when the wind and rain intensify, is pressure
And pressure does lead to pain and pain does lead pleasure
Then the hurricane subsides and the aftermath is disaster
So you are alone again and depression is what you suffer
Yes depression is what I suffer
All I do is lie in bed and watch at the ceiling
I can’t even cry because you were never worth my tears
I can’t sleep because I am afraid that that sound would start to play in my mind
You know that song, I am sure, you heard, that song before
You know the one that starts with the lyrics I love you
You love me, you love me
I can’t believe that I was fooled
By this foolish fable that de old folk use to tell
It told of how feasible love is at first sight,
Yea right
I feel so feeble
“Feebleness of will brings about weakness of head, and the abyss, in spite of its horror, comes to fascinate us, as though it were a place of refuge. Terrible danger! For this abyss is within us; this gulf, open like the vast jaws of an infernal serpent bent on devouring us, is in the depth of our own being, and our liberty floats over this void, which is always seeking to swallow it up
Xo! (SopSop)