I don't know about you but I'll always be here for you. I loved you enough to let you go. Not hoping for you to come back But I hope you find what you looking for. Most of the times I lie. Say things I don't mean Say things you wanna hear You don't deserve that And I know I can't give you the things you want You want something real Something meaningful Someone who's always there, Bt me I'm never present I make promises I don't deliver I keep contradicting myself with my words I say I don't believe in love yet I can't stay away from you I say I'm always here bt sometimes I don't pick up your calls I don't reply to your messages Because I'm busy trying to escape myself I'm busy looking for money I don't make. I'm loyal I never cheat, but I make you feel like I'm I make you insecure about yourself Yet I know you're beautiful I just don't say it I know I love you bt I don't say it, as much as you do. Feels...
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