One afternoon I was chilling with my primary school friends then this topic came up. "What is the benchmark body count before you decide to marry?". And most of them claimed that 20 is appropriate here you'll have discovered all that could be discovered. Explored your intimate desires cummed in every type of pussy, every style and experienced every type of orgasms. Enjoyed the little bit of love, learned how to love you know pain and heartbreaks and how to deal with them, how to handle a partner, here in this scenario is if you want to get into marriage as perfect as you imagine it in your head.

Some of them claimed that twenty is a very low number considering this generation where relationships don't last. You may have penetration with your partner once and break up furthermore people do lots of 'sherehe's ' over the weekend and they're a lot of parting happens, meaning if you have 53 'sherehe' per year, let's say you manage to go to 20 and out of those 20, 10 end up with you having sex with separate partners, That means you'll take 2 years to get to 20 when the factors are kept constant. Let's say you break your virginity at 17 years old, by the time you get to 19 years old, You'll have already hit your benchmark. 19 years old is too young to get married because there's a possibility that you are not financially stable. This makes our body count of 20 a very little number, you'll need like 100 before you get married. Yes! a hundred, I'm also shocked as you're but that number is not as huge as it seems because of the environment we live in nowadays that has put sex in front of everything else.
My opinion on that question was one or maybe two before you get married, explore all your desires with only one partner have so many orgasms until you lose count. Do all the nasty things in different ways with only one person. You can also get into marriage without any skills about all these nasty things and learn on the way. Such that everything about your partner fascinates you and you explore and experience this together step by step. And this is good because, with many, you'll have encountered lots of things that you won't be getting all from one partner and now you want all those at the same time. It's like you're on top of Mt. Everest and you want to get higher than that. Which may lead to divorce.
Some of them claimed that twenty is a very low number considering this generation where relationships don't last. You may have penetration with your partner once and break up furthermore people do lots of 'sherehe's ' over the weekend and they're a lot of parting happens, meaning if you have 53 'sherehe' per year, let's say you manage to go to 20 and out of those 20, 10 end up with you having sex with separate partners, That means you'll take 2 years to get to 20 when the factors are kept constant. Let's say you break your virginity at 17 years old, by the time you get to 19 years old, You'll have already hit your benchmark. 19 years old is too young to get married because there's a possibility that you are not financially stable. This makes our body count of 20 a very little number, you'll need like 100 before you get married. Yes! a hundred, I'm also shocked as you're but that number is not as huge as it seems because of the environment we live in nowadays that has put sex in front of everything else.
My opinion on that question was one or maybe two before you get married, explore all your desires with only one partner have so many orgasms until you lose count. Do all the nasty things in different ways with only one person. You can also get into marriage without any skills about all these nasty things and learn on the way. Such that everything about your partner fascinates you and you explore and experience this together step by step. And this is good because, with many, you'll have encountered lots of things that you won't be getting all from one partner and now you want all those at the same time. It's like you're on top of Mt. Everest and you want to get higher than that. Which may lead to divorce.