This life is a perfect gift, receive it, embrace it.
It starts with a new day, wake up and greet it.
Life is a challenge, face it head on and take it.
Full of opportunities, utilize, don't waste it.
This life is a mystery, unfold it, solve it.
It starts with a meaning, wake up and understand it.
Life is a goal, take it head on and accomplish it.
Full of promises, fulfill it all but keep it.
This life is a calamity, face it, accept it.
It starts with discomfort, wake up and help stabilize it.
Life is a struggle, take it head on and fight it.
Full of distress, remorseful, just overcome it.
This life is precious, grip it, treasure it,
It starts with hope, wake up and feel it.
Life is a choice, take it head on and make it.
Full of knowledge, utilize it, don't abuse it.
This life is adventurous, enjoy it, explore it.
It starts with a responsibility, wake up and complete it.
Life is in itself love, take it full on and love it.
Full of beauty, praise it and adore it.
That life is life, learn and grow, live it,
Life is good, be good with all that you know.
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