I wanna sit closer to you
I want you to feel how loud my heartbeats for you.
To feel the butterflies in my stomach.
To feel my gentle touch.
Everything about you fascinates me.
From your smile to the beauty in your eyes.
Your angelic voice,
I would love to listen to you talk nonsense for hours.
And your laughter, It's hard for me not to love you.
All I think about is you, lemme love you a little more.
May be forever and a day.
When I leave Earth, I wanna be frozen in place with a rose
In a case full of love notes I wrote for the days I got to be next to you
When you get closer I can't breath, anxious dying for you love.
Hungry and starvingπ©
Im like a leaf in the wind trembling.
Im like a piece of bread deeped in a cup of tea,
Im soaking in love, I can't help it I can't fight it.
When it comes to you I'm not strong,
I become weak and vulnerable I've so many soft spots for you.
Lemme sit closer to you, lemme be with you
My first promise was i'll never be your EX. Second was to never,ever let you go. That is i'll fight for you no matter what! And i was ready for what will come next. I had no thoughts of loving any more. You had wholly engulfed my heart. Good thing i still love you the same.. I couldn't love you more i was at the climax. You also made your promises Im greatful you kept them. We still progressing.. despite the ups and down. Cause i know i for a record you've never let me down. You always pick me, and dust me up.. Its now our Seventh anniversary. You've told me many of the best things i yearned to hear. To an extend i just remember a summary You always tell me i have no idea of how much you love me.. You always say you love my deep voice. Its the music that everyday you want to hear And I'm always your best choice. I know they will be more,same time next year. We've the best moments that i just want to live in. Like the day i took ...