
My heart is crying, bleeding
I can't share my burden, love is tearing me apart,
I beg for your care and treatment, for my heart is broken,
I am unwell and lonely, desolate  thoughts of my unelaborated life
For you're a healer, palliate these deep wounds and doleful memories i have

Far a rift exists within me so wide and uncertain
After all I've been through, i should at least let my soul sail free
Emotions unexampled, shattered, brokenhearted yet still beats for you
I'm nothing without love and peace, and giving myself to you pricks old wounds for the heart never forget

I can't share  my affection with anyone else,
You are the only one connected to my labyrinthine way of life, and i so need your help
I suffer in solitary, as for my mistakes "i'm sorry"! Hear my sincere yelps
I hold you in my tender heart, I'll hold you as long as i can survive, till then as in the tomorrow days when the Lord summons us above, my soul for you whenever i go, wherever I'll be, your love will thrive

#BrianKE  #Cyrilbriva


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