I wanted to write about this for a while now. Part of me just stops myself. I mean It's like people's business, you keeping your nose in there. Doesn't feel right. We live according to ideas and conceptions or maybe misconceptions we don't know. We believe them these ideas like heaven, going to Mars, marriage , love, relationships and so much more. We just have an idea of it all. You can picture heaven right now right? Whatever you see isn't Heaven It's an Idea of Heaven and that's pretty similar to love and marriage.
The same use of ideas and conceptions /misconceptions applys everywhere buh I want to be specific. Lets Talk about campus relationships. Let me start off by saying I'm not a relationship guy because I don't want to live on an idea of love. Everyday I wonder how did they survive another day, another month, another year seems pretty tough for me.
Most of the couples in these relationships have these misconceptions that this is the one I mean look how good we are together. Got Introduced to their family yeahh this the real deal here. We can get married, have kids, have wonderful life and travel the world together. To this point no one can convince you otherwise because both of you believe you love each other, both of you are faithful to each other and you clearly see to other way all you see Is a colourful wedding. Be happy while it lasts. Because I'm about to give you the bitter truth. I've always told people just live. Survive another day try not to worry. Its like you are on a free fall just enjoy the ride stop worrying about what you may land on down there.
There's a huge percentage that your dream won't become a reality. Not because you cheated on each other no. You see when you don't know where you're going your current position feels like your destination and as time goes by you'll want to move that's when you'll realise that there's a wonderful world out here and you missing alot because you are stuck on an idea which will now seem to be wrong to you. Just like 6 and 9 thing. Maybe It's fixed and It changes from where you standing from.
And The Fire Dies you start drifting apart. And you decide that It's over.Because when you look at them you now wonder why you loved them
It may also end the hard way after all the expectations and the trust you find out they are cheating on you.They don't love you they love the idea of loving you. Maybe they don't trust you. Someone better comes in, you vibe, cheat, repeat you get caught and thats over everything shuttered. Either way It's going to end whether in tears or in joy because it was overwhelming and now the burden has been lifted off. We growing and keep learning things. So as you read this just prepare for the worst . Okay maybe not. There's 0.01% that make it to marriage. If you believe yours is that special well you have it you way. congrats.
What we should learn from these relationships is they're primary to marriages. Or maybe pre-marriages yeah that's where you learn about how exactly a marriage looks like. That's where you mould your primitive behaviours and become a husband /wife material. Thats where you learn certain responsibilities that will help in your future marriages if you get lucky. That's where you learn how to solve your problems with your partner. Basically It's a bridge to where you want to be.Or who you want to be.
Just allow yourself to grow don't get stuck to an idea.
The idea of love is funny. I can kill you because I love you . You don't get a chance of loving me back and at the same time I can take care of you because I love you I don't want you to love me back I just want to love you. Sometimes I love you so much that I want you to love me back.
It's complicated. Buh I love you Xoxo
And I wrote this because I love you.
Credits: Myraπ: